Here to help you thrive in a rapidly changing world.

We prepare emergent change agents to build a more resilient world through sustainability education at Ithaca EcoVillage, a decades old model for sustainable living in New York State, and now also through online programs.

Both Thrive and the Ithaca EcoVillage are located on the original land of the Gayogohó:no’ (Cayuga) Nation.

In-person Courses & Trainings

Join one of our programs based at Ithaca EcoVillage, NY.

Ithaca EcoVillage Tours

Signup for a guided tour of our 3 cohousing neighborhoods.

Thank you THRIVE for opening my eyes to the skills I can learn to transform our wounded world. Let’s do this!
— Alicia M, past participant
I learned so much about ecovillages and this special one in particular! Highly recommended.
— Jerome W, past participant