Land Partnership Efforts

From Tony Henderson, EVI resident and Land Partnership member - reflecting on a recent volunteer tree planting around the Ecovillage as part of our ongoing effort to manage invasive species and foster native and productive plants in stewardship of our 170 acres of land.

The folks who came out today were amazing at digging, mulching, caging, staking, planting and seeding on this perfect fall afternoon. In just over an hour we planted (6) white oaks, (8) nine barks, (5) silky dogwoods and (3) choke cherries along the eastern Groundswell fence. The oaks & cherries (keystone plants) are critical to our food web and necessary for wildlife to complete their life cycle (think caterpillars).

This area had been dominated by non-native honeysuckle, privet and oriental bittersweet vines.  Once removed the ground was bare - nothing had been growing under the shrubs.  The soil was surprisingly good and we added compost and wood chips to help the plants flourish.  Finally, we spread winter rye and wildflower seeds.  

Go take a look at our work, and please notice the beautiful black cherry trees behind our planting.

I really appreciate the hard work, smiles and fellowship of [fellow resident volunteers].  These trees are going to grow because of you!

Caitlin Cameron